SPT Required Techniques
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Each individual weapon (such as rapier and dagger), or stage combat style (such as unarmed) requires that the student be tested in several required techniques. These techniques have been carefully chosen to make sure the performer receives a well-rounded approach to each style. It also insures that a test judge, or adjudicator, sees enough techniques on the test day to be able to fairly decide who has passed the SPT. It is up to the teacher of the class to instruct the students in all of these basic techniques, and then link them into a fight sequence. This becomes the test fight, which all students learn. Each teacher creates a unique piece of fight choreography for the students to learn. There is no "national standard" fight test. The standard is in the list of required techniques, which all students must master. Below are the required techniques for each weapon style the SAFD currently recognizes.
Minimum compulsory techniques for the Actor/Combatant Skills Proficiency Fight Test: (2001)
rapier & dagger | single sword | small sword | unarmed | broadsword | quarterstaff | broadsword & shield | knife
I. Rapier & Dagger
- Rapier attacks in all lines [high, low, inside, & outside] (per combatant): Two Cuts, Two Thrusts, One Punto Reverso
- Two Dagger Attacks in different lines (per combatant): One Cut, One Thrust
- One Feint Attack
- One Kill or non-debilitating Wound
- Two of Three Slashing Attacks (with either weapon): Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- Two of Three Prise de Fer (with either weapon): Croisé, Bind, Envelopment
- One of Three Attacks on the Blade (with either weapon): Beat, Press, Glissade
- Two of Four Point Work Techniques (per combatant): Deception of Parry, Coupé, Doublé, and Disengage
- One Corps-à-corps (per fight)
- One Disarm: (per fight)
- One Moulinet (per combatant)
- Rapier parries in all lines (per combatant). These may include: Opposition Parry, Circular Parry, Beat Parry, Reinforced Parry, Hanging Parry and Yield Parry
- Dagger parries in two lines (per combatant). These may be Opposition or Beat Parries (one across the body)
- Three of Four Double Fence Parries (per combatant): Cross Parry, Dagger Reinforced Parry, Parallel Parry, and Transfer/Replace Parry
- Linear Techniques: advance, retreat, pass forward, pass back, lunge
- Either One Circular Sequence on the floor or One Volte
- One Off-Line sequence (traverse, thwart, etc.)
II. Single Sword
- Attacks in all lines [high, low, inside, & outside] (per combatant): Two Cuts, Two Thrusts - one Punto Reverso
- One Feint Attack
- One Kill or non-debilitating Wound
- Two of Three Slashing Attacks: Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- Two of Three Prise de Fer: Croisé, Bind and Envelopment
- Two of Three Attacks on the Blade: Beat, Press, Glissade
- Two of Four Point Work Techniques (per combatant): Deception of Parry, Coupé, Doublé, and Disengage
- One Corps-a-corps (per fight)
- One Disarm (per fight)
- One Moulinet (per combatant)
- Rapier parries in all lines (per combatant). These may include: Opposition Parry, Circular Parry, Beat Parry, Reinforced Parry, Hanging Parry and Yield Parry
Free Hand Techniques
- Two of Six techniques (per combatant): Grasp of partner's sword arm, Grasp of partner's blade, Two Parries with the hand (one across the body), Attack (i.e. punch, slap or backhand), Double hand sword techniques, Switch sword to free hand and fight.
- Linear Techniques: advance, retreat, pass forward, pass back, patinando and lunge
- Either One Circular Sequence on the floor or One Volte
- One Off-Line line sequence (traverse, thwart, etc.)
- One Running Attack
III. Small Sword
- Attacks in all lines [high, low, inside, & outside] (per combatant)
- One Feint Attack
- One Change beat
- One of Three Slashing Attacks: Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- Three Prise de Fer: Croisé, Bind and Envelopment
- Three Attacks on the Blade: Beat, Press, and Glissade
- Four Point Work Techniques: Deception of Parry, Coupé, Doublé, and Disengage
- One Corps-a-corps (per fight)
- One Disarm (per fight)
- Parries in all lines (per combatant)
- One Circular Parry
- One Yield Parry
- One Parry with the hand (per combatant)
- Linear Techniques: advance, retreat, pass forward, pass back, balestra and lunge
- One Circular Sequence on the floor
- One Demi Volte or Grand Volte
IV. Unarmed
- Three Punches (one contact, two non-contact per combatant): These may include the Cross, Hammer, Hook, Jab, Rabbit, Roundhouse, Straight or Uppercut
- One Stomach Punch
- One Slap
- One Elbow Attack
- One Kick (per combatant): This may include an Ax Kick, Back Kick, Crescent Kick, Front Kick, Heel Hook, Roundhouse Kick, Side Kick, or a Snap Kick
- One Knee Attack
- One Block -either punch or kick (per combatant): These may include a Forearm Block, Open Hand Block, Wing Block and X/Cross Block
Floor Work
- One Fall or Roll (per combatant)
- One Strangle/Choke hold
- One Hair Pull
- One Throw or Flip
Knap Techniques
- Two Knap Techniques (per combatant): These may include a Cage Knap, Clap Knap, Partnered/Shared Knap, Self/Body Knap or Slip-Hand Knap
V. Broadsword
- Attacks in all lines [high, low, inside, & outside] (per combatant): Two Cuts, Two Thrusts
- One Bind
- One Pommel or attempted Pommel Attack
- Two of Three Slashing Attacks: Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal slash (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- One Corps-à-corps (per fight)
- One Moulinet (per combatant)
- Parries in all lines (per combatant). These should include: Opposition Parry, Beat Parry, Reinforced Parry, and Hanging Parry
- Linear Techniques: pass forward and pass back
- Either One Circular Sequence on the floor or One Volte
- One off-line line sequence (traverse, thwart, etc.)
- One Running Attack
VI. Quarterstaff
- Short Form attacks in all lines [high, low, inside & outside] (per combatant)
- Long Form attacks in all lines (per combatant)
- One Thrusting Attack (with fore or butt end)
- One Bind (with fore or butt end)
- One Contact Strike
- One Non-Contact Strike to the head or face
- One Feint Attack
- Two of Four Slashing Attacks: Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance, Horizontal cut under the feet (jumping up or back to avoid)
- Moulinet (One 360 degree Moulinet)
- One Disarm (per fight)
- Parries in all lines in both Long and Short Form (per combatant)
- Linear Techniques: pass forward and pass back
- Either One Circular Sequence on the floor or One Volte
- One off-line line sequence (traverse, thwart, etc.)
VII. Broadsword and Shield
- Sword attacks in all lines [high, low, inside, & outside] (per combatant): Two Cuts, Two Thrusts
- One attempted (non contact) attack with shield (per combatant)
- One Bind
- Three Slashing Attacks (with either weapon): Horizontal cut across head (duck), Horizontal cut across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- One Moulinet (per combatant)
- Sword parries in low and mid lines. These may include: Opposition Parry, Beat Parry, Reinforced Parry, Hanging Parry and Yield Parry
- Shield parries in high and mid lines. These may be Opposition, Beat, Flat or Edge Parries (one across the body)
- One of Three Joined Parries (per combatant): Shield Reinforced Parry, Parallel Parry, and Transfer/Replace Parry
- Linear Techniques: (such as a pass forward, pass back or lunge)
- One Off-Line line sequence (such as a traverse, thwart, cross or slip)
- One Running Attack
VIII. Knife
- Attacks in all lines: [high, low, inside, outside] Two Cuts, Two Thrusts (per combatant)
- One Feint Attack
- One Pommel/Butt or attempted Pommel/Butt Attack
- One Kill or non-debilitating Wound
- Two of Three Slashing Attacks: Horizontal swipe across head (duck), Horizontal swipe across the mid-line (stomach, back or side) with avoidance, Diagonal swipe (ascending or descending) with avoidance
- Two of Three Controlling/Checking/Transporting Techniques
- One Corps-a-corps (per fight)
- One Disarm (per fight)
- Counter Attacks (cut or thrust) in all lines [high, low, inside, outside] (per combatant)
- Blocks/Parries in all lines [high, low, inside, outside] (per combatant). These may be opposition, deflection or redirection techniques and may include: Opposition Block/Parry, Circular Block/Parry, Parallel Block/Parry or Replacement Block/Parry
Locks and Holds
- One of Four techniques (per combatant): A lock or trap of the opposing knife hand or arm with the blade; A lock or trap of the opposing knife hand or arm with the free hand; A lock, trap or hold made with both hands/arms; A lock, trap or hold made against the body of the opponent
Free Hand Techniques
- One of Two techniques (per combatant): Attack (i.e. punch, slap or backhand), Switch knife to free hand and fight (per combatant)
- One Knapped attack
Knife Hand Techniques
- Grip reversal [overhand to underhand or vice versa] (One per fight)
- Linear Techniques: (such as an advance, retreat, pass forward or pass back)
- One Off-Line line sequence (such as a traverse, thwart, cross or slip)