Actor Combatant Skills Proficiency Workshop
Introduction to Stage Combat | Actor Combatant Skills Proficiency | Advanced Actor Combatant Skills Proficiency
Actor Combatant Skills Proficiency is an intensive course focusing on training students in the compulsory techniques required for SAFD Skills Proficiency Tests (SPTs) in unarmed, rapier & dagger and broadsword. Students will spend over thirty hours learning to safely perform choreography in each of these three “fight” disciplines, as well as additional classes in other weapon styles.
Although the primary focus of this course is the learning of techniques and choreography containing the compulsory techniques required for the SPT, the class also focuses on developing partnering skills and expanding the artist’s imagination and ability to use these skills to make their stage combat work more connected and truthful. Working in a studio format, students will explore character objectives and beat work within the fight, and are coached/rehearsed through their fight scenes. The course concludes in a presentation of the fight scenes for adjudication by SAFD Fight Masters.
Students will be in class at least seven hours a day, six days a week. Each day typically begins with an appropriate physical warm-up, followed by classes in two disciplines in the morning, two further disciplines each afternoon, and master classes and rehearsals in the evening. The long hours and intensity of this program require a considerable amount of discipline, commitment, flexibility and stamina from all participants. Swords, daggers and all other required theatrical weapons will be provided, in class, for each student.
Tuition and Fees
- Actor Combatant Skills Proficiency (ACSP) - Registration link
Payment due at Registration
Payment total due by July 1st
Additions of Housing and Meals
Housing Cost
Meal Plan
- Tuition scholarships available for all SAFD members!
Admission Requirements
- Minimum age is 18 (must have completed high school).
- Previous drama, acting and/or stage combat experience is not essential.
To Apply:
- Potential students can register here
- If you have questions about the application and admissions process, please contact the NSCW Coordinator