The Cutting Edge

SAFD 2017 Governing Body Elections
As the 3-year term of your Governing Body Executive Committee comes to an end with 2016, it is now time to elect the next batch of committee members on the governing body of the SAFD. This year we will be hosting elections for the following positions:
- President
- Vice-President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Elections will begin on November 1st, 2016 and will be available until November 30th.
Read on to see this year's nominees and to read their statements!

2015 Update from the Governing Body
Read on to see the 2015 report from the SAFD President, J. David Brimmer.

SAFD 2015 Member Representative Elections
As the 3-year term of your member representative comes to an end with 2015, it is now time to elect the next batch of representatives on the governing body of the SAFD. This year we will be hosting elections for the following positions:
- Friend, Actor/Combatant, and Advanced Actor/Combatant Representative
- Certified Teacher Representative
- Fight Director Representative
- Fight Master Representative
Read on to see this year's nominees and to read their statements!

Welcome to the NEW Cutting Edge
The Cutting Edge is back!